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MP Cathay Wagantall introduced Bill C-233 in February 2020 to ban sex-selective abortions, which are allowed and occur in Canada. The legislation’s review process has been delayed because of the pandemic, but it is now moving through the House of Commons.

On February 18, 2021, MP Kelly Block proposed Bill C-268 to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals who refuse to directly or indirectly take part in providing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) or euthanasia.



No legislation is currently tabled. Please check back later!

No Longer Active

MPP Sara Singh introduced Bill 225 to amend the Regulated Health Professionals Act, 1991, requiring the Minister of Health to provide updated, evidence-based information on Down Syndrome to the public, especially pregnant mothers who receive a prenatal Down Syndrome diagnosis.

Passed Legislation (Federal and Provincial)

Bill 3 became law on Dec 02, 2020! MPP Sam Oosterhoff tabled the bill in 2017 “to develop a framework to ensure that every Ontarian has access to quality palliative care.

“The Act requires the Minister of Health to develop a provincial framework designed to support improved access to palliative care. The Minister must table a report setting out the provincial framework in the Legislative Assembly within one year after the Bill comes into force. Within three years after the report is tabled, the Minister must prepare and table a report on the state of palliative care in Ontario. Each report must be published on the Government of Ontario website.”


On March 17, 2021, the Senate passed Bill C-7, expanding assisted suicide, including people suffering from mental illness, and received royal assent a few hours later. 

The government has two years to create protocols and safeguards to determine how to implement the law.

We are facing a growing culture of death and that’s why it’s so important that keep the conversation going! We need to help people see that our duty to the suicidal is to always prevent their suicide, never assist it. 

We recommend the book, A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide,  which provides insightful research and helpful talking points for presenting the pro-life position to others.