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Get to know our newest staff member – Bernadette!

This past summer, Bernadette stepped into the role of Admin and Events Coordinator at Toronto Right to Life, and since then, she’s become an essential part of our team. From organizing events to keeping our office running smoothly, her contributions have been invaluable. But her dedication goes even further—she’s out on the streets regularly, courageously sharing the truth about abortion, with a mission to change hearts and minds.

This isn’t Bernadette’s first time standing on the frontlines of the pro-life movement. She’s been a committed volunteer with us for years, and even chose to complete her school placement here. Her passion, skills, and determination make her an unstoppable force in our shared goal of making abortion unthinkable, both in Toronto and beyond.

Curious to learn more about Bernadette and her journey? Keep reading the blog to get to know the heart behind the hard work!

How long have you been involved in the pro-life movement?

“The short answer? My whole life. But keep reading. There’s more important details as to how I ended up in this role.”

When did you first encounter the issue of abortion?

“I grew up in a very pro-life family, going back a few generations, in fact, so I think I was about 7 years old, if not younger, when I first heard about abortion. When my parents explained it to me, it seemed like such an absurd and abhorrent practice that I couldn’t believe it was real. A few years later, when I was 12, my family decided to take a 6-hour bus trip from Toronto to Ottawa for the March for Life. I didn’t want to go; it didn’t seem worth my time, mainly because, despite my family’s efforts, abortion was something I chose not to think about.

I ended up going, and for the first half of the event, I remained indifferent to everything. As the March began to leave Parliament Hill, I noticed a group of people standing off to the side holding signs. Curious, I went over to see what they were showing. I saw pictures of healthy, developing children in utero, but others were disfigured and obviously broken (for lack of a better word). These were children who had been aborted at various stages, ranging from 8 to 24 weeks. They were small but had tiny hands and feet. What really caught my attention were their faces.

In that instant, something changed inside me. I realized that I had always heard about abortion but had never seen the reality of what it did. My disinterest in these little lives shifted into something else—profound sadness. My indifference was replaced by heartbreak because there was no one left to care for them. Suddenly, doing nothing was no longer an option for me. I knew too much; I had seen too much. I came back from that trip changed because that was the day abortion went from being an abstract concept to something very real and tangible.”

When and why did you decide to do something about abortion?

“I kept going back to the March for Life in subsequent years and looked for opportunities closer to home in Toronto that I could attend as a minor. They didn’t always work out, but when I was 15, I heard Stephanie Gray speak, and her organization at the time, the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform (CCBR), reached out to me about the possibility of doing a summer internship with them. It was a very attractive option, as I had heard some of their speakers present a compassionate and compelling case against abortion. I was also really impressed by their professionalism and thought, “Wow, I want to be like them!” I applied and got accepted but ended up doing my internship the following summer instead. That experience was essentially boot camp for pro-life activists. So about three or four years passed between seeing the images and personally getting involved in the movement.”

Why did you join Toronto Right to Life?

“That was more of a natural decision. In hindsight, it’s somewhat intriguing to think that I argued so hard against getting involved, and little did I know as a 12-year-old that I’d end up doing this for a living. I had met quite a few staff members during my first internship, which made transitioning back to my senior year of high school a little easier. I’ve seen many instances where newly activated pro-lifers feel a strong sense of urgency to share the truth about abortion with others. I was a textbook example of this, especially after my first internship. I really wanted to maintain the momentum I had developed over the summer and knew that I wanted to do this full-time.

Around this time, Toronto Right to Life started incorporating the End the Killing strategy into its projects, and Toronto Against Abortion was just starting to take off, so it made it easier for me to come into the office and help out for a few hours. That was really the beginning of a beautiful journey, as I spent the next few years going back and forth between CCBR and TRTL, working in various paid, unpaid, intern, and volunteer roles.”

What excites you most about joining Toronto Right to Life?

“There are a few things. First is having everything come full circle again, where I get to learn from and work alongside some of my mentors to save lives and end abortion. At the end of the day, I get to work with amazing people, and our entire purpose is to work ourselves out of a job. It’s a truly great and supportive community (our lunch conversations are certainly never boring). It’s an incredible place for both professional and personal growth and development. I love having the chance to use my design skills for events and new projects, helping to keep things running smoothly in the office, and, of course, assisting with volunteers. I’m very much looking forward to seeing how I can help others grow and develop as pro-life leaders in their own communities.”

How do you hope to contribute to the organization’s mission and impact?

“I’m really looking forward to supporting current projects while also developing new initiatives, specifically creating opportunities for students and young professionals. This is a very hopeful time for the pro-life movement in Canada, especially as we continue to see the fruits of our labor grow.

I like to focus not only on how we can reach more people but also on how we can improve the quality of our connections with them. With my background in the creative arts, I’ll likely be using these skills to assist with our social media posts, e-newsletters, mailings, website, and resource management. I’m excited to see how we can continue impacting more communities through the leaders we train to be a voice for the voiceless.”

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

“I’ve spent the last few years studying performing arts and filmmaking at university, and I’m always looking for opportunities to continue honing my craft. I love nurturing my creative side whenever I get the chance and often experiment with other arts and crafts projects. Most notably, I’ve enjoyed studying John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and incorporating it into my artistic endeavors. I have lived in three countries (including Canada) and enjoy traveling and exploring new places in my free time (this has also contributed to my being a foodie). Lastly, I have an elementary grasp of three other languages besides English, and I aim to learn a few new words in each one every year.”

Share a fun fact about yourself.

“My semi-secret talent is that I can recite the alphabet backward in under 20 seconds (I’m aiming for 10 seconds).”

We’re so grateful that Bernadette said “yes” to dedicating herself full-time to the pro-life cause. Her unwavering passion and dedication continue to inspire us all. We can’t wait for you to meet her in person at our upcoming events—prepare to be just as inspired as we are!