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Grants for Community Pro-Life Projects

Apply for grant funding from Toronto Right to Life for your community pro-life project. Partner with us to defend life!

  • Funding is available for community groups or student clubs
  • Priority given to groups closer to Toronto, although we are currently accepting applications from anywhere in Ontario and Quebec
  • Preference is given towards educational projects. Since we are a charitable organization, non-partisan political projects may or may not be approved, and partisan political projects are not eligible
  • If approved, you'll be responsible for submitting a report on how you used the funding to carry out TRTL's charitable work

Please respond to the questions below. Short, concrete, specific answers are better than long answers.

Grant Applicant Profile
This is only used to determine age. The field is optional, but minors must fill it in.
Project Proposal
What is the project for which you seek funding? e.g. "Toronto Against Abortion 'Choice' Chain"
When will this funding be used? (start/end date) We typically approve funding one year at a time.
Where will this project be run?
Does your group have any existing funding? (e.g. bank account, local fundraising, student union, another RTL group, local church, etc.) Please describe, or enter "0" for none.
How much money are you requesting from TRTL? If you are unsure of the precise amount, just enter an estimate here and explain in the description below.
Describe the project or intended use of funds in detail. What specifically do you plan to do? How specifically will the grant amount requested be spent? The description can be short, if it clearly explains the project. If grant funds will be spent in more than one way, provide a detailed breakdown here (e.g. if funds are needed for pamphlets and signs).
What is the goal of this project? What is the intended impact? What outcomes are you aiming to achieve?
How will this project (a) uphold the dignity of human life, (b) uphold the inviolability of human life from conception until natural death, or (c) protect the interests and rights of pre-born children? NOTE: TRTL funding can only be used for these stated charitable purposes. Grants are not "gifts," but TRTL provides resources to grant recipients to carry out these charitable objects as a partner of TRTL. Grant funding CANNOT be used for partisan political purposes - to support/oppose any political parties or candidates for public office. However, it is fine to use grant funding to support/oppose policies/laws.
Who is the target audience? How do you intend to reach the target audience?
Have you done this before? If no, how do you intend to prepare? If yes, are you doing anything differently this time? Why or why not?